You can register online here.
Click here
to the registration page.
We suggest checking the spam folder of your email account.
If you have not received the email there either, please contact us.
All abstracts that have been accepted are scheduled as part of the conference program as oral or poster presentations.
It is expected that at least one abstract author should attend the meeting to present the work and answer questions.
Only abstracts from registered participants will be scheduled in the conference program.
Only after every submitted abstract has been reviewed by the conference's scientific committee will
notifications be sent to abstract authors. As organizers, we make every effort to conclude this process
within a month of the abstract submission deadline.
You can access the abstract submission system with your username and password and make changes to
your abstract up until the submission deadline. No abstract changes will be accepted subsequent to
this date, but you are welcome to bring a more up-to-date abstract to the conference.
Copies of any accepted and registered abstracts will be posted on the conference website/online
journal supplement/conference mobile app. We recommend getting in touch with our organizing
committee for further details.
Of course, you will receive a certificate by email after the conclusion of the conference.
Fraud Prevention Notice :
Be cautious of scams involving cloned emails and fake phone numbers requesting conference or journal fees. Only make payments via Scholars Forum's official event platform and notify us immediately at if you suspect fraud.